blue, period. color keeps space between it or any name, without
question in the mind of the beholder, but which blue? Yves had his
Idea, not mine. On the job in LA, scooping with silver-plated spoon
leftovers, carefully transferred to clear plastic baggies, then applied
to canvas in Austin, asking her to come watch, while the paint was still
wet, so beautiful we wept, at the easel, her hand on my shoulder,
Radiohead on the CD player, soft in the perfect dusk Texas light.
She quit her job and became an artist
Inky Pthalo or Prussian blue. angels, zipping through the air. dappled
daubed, brushed, stroked, stained. it’s all in yer head Gorillaz sed.
covers up to his neck in the poochy futon bed, phone disconnected
he slips past the veil into dreaming, where everything tonight is azure.
superblue moon 2024, blue state convention, speaker on the floor.
signs of unrest, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, mountains of ash,
civilization crumbles, no right to choose, the best always lose, police
form a blue line, kettling the crowd, clouds of gas and smoke, in neon.
Columbia blue, helmets, a party awash in cash, crashing, smashing
poets both romantic and suicidal, indulge blue reverie. the connection
is not coincidence. parallel fields of indigo and cornflower. my supply
comes in paste or gel. you hide yours between the sheets of a big
book, not on a screen, in a movie or film, where secrets disappear, only
to change, again, into nights, then dawn, as Time begins unraveling,
becoming clay, schools of fish, a heron, in harmony with tides, lovers.
neutral primary blue. rich and fulsome. rolled up & hugged to your breast,
a bruise, a teardrop, a glimpse of a moment long past, a tint of the skin,
unbreathing, unbound, a lost toy, never to be found, an idle fantasy,
or so she imagined, as she turned in the turquoise blue gown, glaring
at her blind mother in disgust, a shade in a shadow, whose tune
has no player, nor instrument, whose scent is rust, decay and dread,
the cage door ajar, a child calling to an empty house, yard and street,
no sax on the rooftop, not a care in the world, no meat and mutton
to eat, unframed & unfollowed, unfriended & ghosted, today’s NPC.