Check out other articles & press for the show at the 4dpop's links page HERE - including this nice one by MiChelle Jones for the Tennessean.
Last Saturday's gallery talk (7-26) for the closing was good times. Folks from the Hermitage dropped by beforehand, plus old Nashville photog-artsy pal Mark Tucker - now in LA - & gallery artist Mary Hackett, Noteables' Scott Davis & a few others mostly listened patiently while I spent a half hour listing what I've been up to, since leaving the Music City in the early 00s, asked a few rhetorical questions about art & artists (1a & 1b = what is art/what is it for? 2b = who's an artist?), made a brief intro to 4D art, etc. Thanks to Dane & David & the DLG staff for the opportunity & support!