A lovely installation curated by Dane Carder and David Lusk. The exhibition also features the animation "A Big Bang," which is projected onto the rear of the transition wall separating the main and second galleries. The opening was excellent and well-attended, coinciding with Wedgewood art district First Saturday Art Crawl (and the 4th of July weekend). The event featured a mixologist, who researched a special concoction related to Old Hickory. I hope to post some photos from the evening here soon.
Code Duello, Old Hick & a Big Bang
A lovely installation curated by Dane Carder and David Lusk. The exhibition also features the animation "A Big Bang," which is projected onto the rear of the transition wall separating the main and second galleries. The opening was excellent and well-attended, coinciding with Wedgewood art district First Saturday Art Crawl (and the 4th of July weekend). The event featured a mixologist, who researched a special concoction related to Old Hickory. I hope to post some photos from the evening here soon.